
The image widget allows users to create and render native image elements in the app. It is based on NodeGui's QLabel along with NodeGui's QPixmap


<vn-view><vn-image :src="''" /></vn-view>
export default { }

What it looks like?#


Props and styling#

You can find all the props vn-image accepts listed below. Apart from this, you can take a look at the styling and event handling docs


↳ TextProps

↳ ImageProps




Optional aspectRatioMode#

• aspectRatioMode? : AspectRatioMode

Optional buffer#

• buffer? : Buffer

Optional enabled#

• enabled? : undefined | false | true

Inherited from ViewProps.enabled

Sets the property that tells whether the widget is enabled. In general an enabled widget handles keyboard and mouse events; a disabled widget does not. QWidget: setEnabled

Optional id#

• id? : undefined | string

Inherited from

Sets the object name (id) of the widget in Qt. Object name can be analogous to id of an element in the web world. Using the objectName of the widget one can reference it in the Qt's stylesheet much like what we do with id in the web world. QWidget: setObjectName

Optional mouseTracking#

• mouseTracking? : undefined | false | true

Inherited from ViewProps.mouseTracking

Sets the property that tells whether mouseTracking is enabled for the widget. QWidget: setMouseTracking

Optional openExternalLinks#

• openExternalLinks? : undefined | false | true

Inherited from TextProps.openExternalLinks

Optional scaledContents#

• scaledContents? : undefined | false | true

Inherited from TextProps.scaledContents

Optional src#

• src? : undefined | string

Optional style#

• style? : undefined | string

Inherited from

Sets the inline stylesheet property. QWidget: setInlineStyle

Optional styleSheet#

• styleSheet? : undefined | string

Inherited from ViewProps.styleSheet

Sets the property that holds the widget's style sheet. QWidget: setStyleSheet

Optional transformationMode#

• transformationMode? : TransformationMode

Optional visible#

• visible? : undefined | false | true

Inherited from ViewProps.visible

Shows or hides the widget and its children. QWidget: show

Optional windowOpacity#

• windowOpacity? : undefined | number

Inherited from ViewProps.windowOpacity

This property holds the level of opacity for the window. QWidget: setWindowOpacity

Optional windowTitle#

• windowTitle? : undefined | string

Inherited from ViewProps.windowTitle

Sets the window title property. QWidget: setWindowTitle

Optional wordWrap#

• wordWrap? : undefined | false | true

Inherited from TextProps.wordWrap